The Blessing Of Science In Modern Civilization Is The AC Motor Or DC Motor.

The Blessing Of Science In Modern Civilization Is The AC Motor Or DC Motor.

This electric motor discovery of science plays a very important role in modernizing and simplifying our life. Undoubtedly the invention of the electric motor or ac motor or dc motor is a regulator of modern civilization. We will talk about Electric AC Motors here today. We all know that the motor is important in our daily life, work or industry. It is very difficult to work at the present time without a motor as an artificial kinetic or driving force.

Since we will discuss electric motor or AC Motor here. In that case, we will know the Definition And Types Of Electric motors or AC Motors or classifications of AC Motors and briefly discuss some of the things that work in the AC motor industry. We will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using an AC Motor.


The AC Motor can be classified based on the arrangement:-

  1. Speed Place Motor,

  2. Capacitor Start And Run Motor,

  3. Capacitor Start Induction Run Motor,

  4. Shaded Pole Single Phase Motor.


According to the single-phase classification of AC Motor:-

  1. Induction Motor,

  2. Repulsion Motor,

  3. AC Series Motor,

  4. Un-excited Synchronizes Motor.


According to the operation methods classification of AC Motors.

  1. Synchronizes Motor,

  2. A synchronized Motor,

             (A) Induction Motor,

            - Squirrel Cage Induction Motor,

            - Slip Ring Or Wound Rotor Induction Motor,

              (B) Commutator Motor.


According to phase AC Motor are divided into two kinds,

  1. Single Phase Motor,

  2. 3 Phase Motor,


According to Speed AC Motor are divided into three types,

  1. Constant Speed Motor,

  2. Adjustable Speed Motor, and

  3. Variable Speed Motor.


What are the advantages or disadvantages of Induction Motors?



  • Induction motors are cheap and very readily available.

  • The structure of the induction motor is simple and does not break easily.

  • Since the induction motor does not have a carbon brush, it is less frictionless.

  • The power factor of the induction motor is good.

  • Induction motor maintenance is not easy or required.

  • No other equipment is required to start the induction motor.



  • If you want to change the speed of the induction motor, this speed can be reduced.

  • As the load of the induction motor increases, the speed decreases.

  • The torque of an induction motor is usually less than that of a synchronous motor.


Main part 2 of an AC Motor:-

  1. Starter,

  2. Rotor.


What is the percentage of sleep ( ‰ of Sleep )  for a Motor?

The performance of a motor, good or bad, depends on its percentage of slip. For example, if the percentage of slip is higher then the loss is higher. If the percentage of slip is less then the loss of that motor is less. The percentage of slip can be easily understood by one of the following equations. 


∴ Ns  =   120f / P


f     =     Supply frequency,

   =     Number of poles,

N=     Synchronous speed,


There For,   

                Sleep    =   Ns  -  Nr,     

Hare, N=     Synchronous speed,   

          N=     Rotor  Speed,

∴ ‰ of Sleep    =  ( Ns  -  Nr )    Ns ⌉  ×  100 %


What Is the Protection category of a Motor?

Looking at the external structure of any type of motor and the tag or code number on it reveals what kind of motor it is and what protection it has. That is, the short tag or code number carries the identity of the motor. Hare;-

  IP (XY)  =    Ingress Protection.

   X   Part     =      Solid Particle.

   Y   Part     =      Liquid Particle.



Value Of  X  =   0  ∼  5,

0   = Non-Protaction,

1   =   15 mm Solid Particle Protection,

2   =   12 mm Solid Particle Protection,

3   =   3 mm Solid Particle Protection,

4   =   1 mm Solid Particle Protection,

5   =   Dust Protection.


Value Of  Y  =   0  ∼  8,

0   = Non-Protaction.

1   =   Dropping Water Protection,

2   =   15ยบ Vertical Water Particle Protection,

3   =    Spray Water Particle Protection,

4   =    Splashing Water Particle Protection,

5   =    Jet Water Protection.

6   =     Ships Dead Water Particle Protection,

7   =    Water Protection.

8   =    Water Resistance or  SubMersible Motor.


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