What Means Process, Process Symbol, Process Diagram?

Let's know about what is Process, Process Symbol, Process Diagram, which can make it easy to operate at chemical, petrochemicals or any other processing plant.

#what means process?
=When an output product is found through a single or multi-stage material or mixer's physical or chemical change, it is called a process.

#What is Process Symbol?
=Process symbol Maybe defined as the graphical alphabetical or mathematical representation of the different types of pipeline, valves or fittings, equipment, instrument, etc of the Process Industries.

#what is process diagram?
=All the instrumentation or fittings or parts of a process can be expressed through a diagram, that's called a process diagram.

Different types of process diagram:

01.Block diagram.
A block the diagram is a diagram that's the easiest way to represent a process.

Features of the block diagram:
=A single piece of equipment is meant for a block.
= Blocks should be of equal size and are organized in a consistent manner.
= In the case of complex processes, a single unit operation or unit process is shown through a single block.
= What is left in and out of each block is written on the block.

02. Flow diagram.
Instead of a block, each instrument, Vessel is represented by a simple figure called a flow diagram.

03. Process flow diagram.
The process of a flow diagram is the key to a process. This process flow diagram is written to process variables, physical condition, temperature, pressure. That is, the conditions of operation are written. Different types of measuring instruments and control instruments are mentioned in the process flow diagram. There is no coding in the process flow diagram but the unit operation remains. The P&I diagram contains coding but no unit operation.

04.Piping and instrumentation diagram.  
This diagram provides a comprehensive picture of the process plant. As far as possible a realistic picture of the whole process is made. Symbols and coding of pipes, fittings, measuring, and control instruments are displayed in the diagram. The process flow is arranged from left to right.

* Equipment coding, which consists of:
01. One of the capital letters (first, two-digit is section number).
02. 04 digit (the second two-digit is sequence number).

#Example: P0102
P= Name of equipment.
01= 1st two digits is section number.
02= 2nd two digit is sequence number.

#Pipe line coding:
01. 05 Capital letter and
02. 07 Digit.

*Example: 02 SL  BA 10 D100
02-Section no
 SL-Type of Fluid
BA- Material construction of the pipe.
10- Sequence no.
D100- Diameter of pipe (mm).

# Coding of Valves/Fittings:
01.  Two capital letters.
02.  Two Digits.

*Example: ST 15
ST- Steam line.
15- Sequence no.

# Instrument Coding:
01.Two or Three capital Later.
02. Three Digits.

*Example: FIC- 101
F- Process Variable.
I-Function of the process variable.
C- Instrument number.
